Global news

Global Campaigns to rid the world of Asbestos
The Coalition is connected to the current campaign to stop the re-opening of asbestos mines in Canada and also the APHEDA Union Aid Abroad campaign to raise awarenmess about the dangers of asbestos in Vietnam.
The great work that has been done to ban the import and use of asbestos in Australia should be recognised but asbestos will continue to kill thousands if countries such as Canada, Russia, continue to mine asbestos and export it to the poor countries of the world such as Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Indonesia,Thailand and Laos and China and Africa continue to mine and use this deadly substance.

In 2010 SA Unions and the Asbestos Coalition hosted a visit by

·         Dr Le Van Trinh , Director of the National Institute of Labour Protection and member of the VGCL Presidium
·         Professor Pham Van Hai, Director of the Environmental Science and Sustainable Environment, Director of the National Resource Centre on Asbestos

They spoke to coalition members and told us horrific stories of the innaproriate, unsafe and continual use of asbestos in their country. APHEDA supports a project in Vietnam to provide educaiton, awareness and research in Vietnam.

Click on links below to hear about these Global campaigns.

Great daily news on asbestos and the campaigns across the world
and for an amusing take on a serious issue check out this daily show story...